Visit with Riley and Kelly in Westfield

Austen went to see her good friend Riley in Westfield (near Fanwood). Although Mommy got lost on the way there, upon arrival everyone had a great time eating burritos, then strolling (and swinging and crawling) in the park. As always, there was a stop at the toy store. Mommy is a toy-buying-aholic, and Austen is very happy about this. So far, Daddy has bought Austen zero toys and Mommy has bought Austen circa 100 toys. [Daddy would like to mention that he pays the bills for said toys.]

First Trip to the Beach: Point Pleasant, NJ

Austen had a great time, especially when playing inside her baby beach cabana. She saw seagulls and watched the waves crash in the wind. She was a little concerned about the feeling of sand on her hands and body and prefered crawling on the beach blanket.

[Click to see video]

During a stroll on the boardwalk, Austen took a nice nap and rejuvenated herself for the ride home.

Auntie Janet and Auntie Heather Visit for the Weekend

On Friday, Auntie Janet arrived while Austen was eating in her high chair. Austen greeted Auntie Janet with a big frowny face and a pout, and shortly afterwards she went to bed while the adults enjoyed pizza on the deck.

On Saturday morning, Austen became more comfortable with Auntie Janet and played with her. They even got into a grunting match. After Austen’s morning nap, Auntie Janet, Mommy, Daddy and Austen went to Wegman’s to decorate a Father’s Day cake.

Afterwards, they went to Iselin for Indian food takeout. Auntie Heather arrived in the afternoon while Austen was taking her afternoon nap. When she awoke, Auntie Heather went up to get her and Austen again reacted with a frowny face, not recognizing Auntie Heather. Shortly afterwards, while hanging out on the deck, Austen let her guard down and went into her playful-grunting-crawling-grabbing mode, even getting tangled in Auntie Janet’s knitting yarn.

Everyone chatted for a while before Mommy and Daddy went out for the evening — a movie (a bust) and dinner at the Metuchen Inn (lovely food and Victorian atmosphere) — while Auntie Heather and Auntie Janet babysat Austen. With all the fun and activity, Austen got totally worn out.

On Sunday, Daddy opened his Father’s Day gifts.

Then the whole group strolled along Main Street in Metuchen in the heat, stopping for lunch at Paris Cafe where Austen cooled off with ice water and the rest of the gang drank icy teas and coffees.

Austen had a great time and is hoping her Great Aunties will come to visit again soon.