Growing love of music

Austen loves Beyonce’s hit song, Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It). She first heard it on the radio during a car ride with Mama. Later, while driving with Dada, Austen requested to hear “Mama’s song” which she sang as the “Oh oh oh oh” song. Dada figured it out and played it (yeah iPhone!).
Now, after seeing the video a few times, Austen requests to watch the “Ho Ho Ho” song. If you don’t understand what song, she sings a verse for you: “If you like it shoulda put a bing on it…ho ho ho…like it shoulda put a…ho ho ho.”

In Mama’s Belly

Tonight Dada overheard Austen talking to Mama, reminding her of when Gage was in her belly … as if she would ever forget the torture of pregnancy. Mommy reminded Austen that she too was once in Mama’s belly. Earlier in the day, Austen told her friends that Dada and Chacha were once in Grandma Mindy’s belly. Babies are on her mind.

One-Month Update: Beefcake, Our Sweetheart

Gage is growing fast, gaining about 2.5 pounds in a month. He’s still an easy-going guy who is quickly soothed with a pat and a cuddle. He loves to be held and wrapped in blankets and enjoys sucking on pacifiers — although Grandma and Grandpa try to take them away from him. Believe it or not, he actually sleeps in his crib (see big sister’s blog — she never slept in her crib) and is out for up to four hours, usually three. In the car, he’s fairly happy bundled up in his Bundleme and car seat. As big sister Austen tells those who ask about Gage, “He just sleeps all day.”

Grandma and Grandpa talk a lot about Gage playing (read: being awake). It’s true that he focuses on people, staring intently with a peaceful look. It’s reported that he talks and smiles, but Mommy is still looking for evidence of this. [Note: After consulting with Grandma Mindy, Mommy got to see the cute little open-mouthed baby grin. Why is it that Mommy gets mostly cries for milk?]

Gage is very strong. Already he has pretty good head control — he moves his head on his own. The nurses comment on how well he can push you away with his hands. As for tummy time, he does it willingly and can lift his head and move it fairly well. He’s a “bruiser,” as the delivery nurse said at his birth.

Pee Pee Teepee

We’ve been using those expensive chlorine-free diapers as pee pee teepees. Why, you ask? Well, obviously because Gage needs teepees to prevent spraying. And the chlorine-free diapers are size 1, WHICH GAGE HAS GROWN OUT OF ALREADY. Beefcaaaaake!