Princess Obsession: Sad but True

Poor Austen has been hit hard by the world of princesses … where a new dress is everything you could ever wish for and one dance means love. “Ugh,” says Mommy.

“Big Girl” Austen watches Disney fairy tales obsessively; they’re great for bribery. So far Mommy has given in and bought Cinderella (“leave the sewing to the women, you go get some trimmings … and we’ll make a lovely dress for Cinderelly”), Beauty and the Beast (more admirable female lead), Sleeping Beauty (vapid) and The Little Mermaid (sixteen and getting married?).

When Austen goes out, she spots every princess related item in her vicinity and even creates some new ones: a prom dress becomes, “Look! A princess dress!” She even recognizes the songs (her mommy’s fave part of the stories) when she hears then, identify which movie they’re from.

Any item in a store related to princess (mostly Disney princesses) must be purchased, if not now, then later. “Later, okay we’ll buy it tomorrow,” says Austen when Mommy tries to discourage her without producing screaming.

Daddy’s favorite part seems to be helping Austen with her princess dress up clothes. He keeps track of the clip-on earrings and is good at helping fasten princess tops. “I’m Snow White,” Austen always says, although she hasn’t worn her official Snow White dress since last Halloween. Mommy’s choice of an outfit was prophetic. We’ll probably be getting it out of the closet for one of this year’s parties.
