Day 5: Mama’s Returning Today!

After having her tooth knocked out, Austen placed it under the pillow for the tooth fairy’s visit but it looks like the tooth fairy didn’t visit because she must’ve been too busy on Sunday, takes Sundays off or she might’ve just fallen asleep after a lot of TV watching. Dada suggested leaving the tooth again Monday night but then one of Austen’s friends told her the tooth fairy is not reL today! Let’s see what happens tonight. Oh, and Austen found one of the hermit crabs on the 1st floor, next to the stairs. Could’ve been there for days. Apparently, nobody really checks on them much. They just kinda exist in their cage, located on the 2nd floor! Anyway, the little guy was returned safely to his cage after that adventure. End of log while Mama was in MN at a Jane Austen convention.

Overheard kids’ comments at Gage’s preschool playground

4yo to 3yo: you can’t climb up here (top of playhouse) because it’s dangerous. 4yo: it’s ok because my mom doesn’t even care (also about climbing) Gage: Dad! I need you to be here later to get me down (from top of playhouse) 4yo unable to climb but half way up: help! I’m stuck. Can you get me down? Me: I’ll help you down. 4yo: Wait. Can you help me get up first? Gage: (hiding under the play set with 4 girls) Wait. There’s too many people under here! Me: That’s not something to complain about, Gage! 4yo to another 4yo in reference to 2yo unsuccessfully trying to climb playhouse: Make sure she doesn’t climb up there! Countless running collisions (head on, side impact, etc): Uhhh! (Followed by more running)