Thanksgiving Day

Mama and Dada took Austen for her first train ride today. She’s always loved trains but was a bit frightened about actually boarding the big steel car. But once she saw all the people and the kids on their way to the Macy’s parade, she calmed down and enjoyed the ride. She and Mama pointed out trees and bridges and trucks and rivers, while snacking on cheese, crackers and water.

In the city, Austen took her first subway ride uptown to Columbus Circle and watched an hour of floats with Mama and Dada. She was especially looking forward to seeing Shrek. Why? Who knows? But Mama thought Abby Caddabby was the best. Unfortunately, we weren’t close enough to the see the bands and groups of marching pompom kids.

In the afternoon, Mama and Dada showed off their teamwork skills and prepared a Thanksgiving mini feast of turkey, “flavorful” gravy, stuffing and green beans. Grandma Mindy and Grandpa sat next to Austen for a short dinner. “All done! All done!” Chacha showed up several hours late. What else is new?

After Austen went to bed, all the remaining Sikhs in the house cuddled on the sofa to watch some TV.

More observant than you think!

When reading books, Mama likes to ask Austen questions like “How many birds are there in the picture?” Sometimes Austen counts correctly and sometimes she does some pretend counting that goes up to at least ten. With questions like “What color is the leaf?” Austen always knows the right answer. Thanks, Miss Liz from Gymboree Art Class.

Today, Mama was asking Austen to identify things in a drawing from a Richard Scary book.

“What’s that?”

“Piano!” (Austen is the queen of speaking with emphasis. That’s why Mama purchased her a “Mini Diva” cap from the Metropolitan Opera.)

“What’s that?”


After being thusly quizzed, Austen interrupted, “Mouse is eating da cheese.” Mama looked more closely and, yes, there was a tiny piece of cheese on which the mouse was nibbling. Mama is going to have to think up some more challenging interrogations for Austen. Locating items in a picture is child’s play. Austen speaks in full sentences all day long, and Mama and Dada never get enough of hearing her talk — except when she says things like, “No, Mama!”

Out and about, Austen is often notices things and points them out to Mama, who is not great at details and is often surprised by what Austen has observed. The location of clocks. People, especially “big boys.” Lollipops. Light-up signs with images of coffee mugs.

“Guss! Guss! Where are you?”

Able to withstand Squirt’s random unprovoked attacks, Guss spends a lot of time with Austen and Mama. He even lets Austen hold him. Today he shared a bowl of mac ‘n cheese with Austen, even though she told him, “No! That’s Austen’s mac ‘n cheese.” (She speaks rather well for a barely two year old.) Unfortunately, the pair dropped their bowl on the floor and shattered the special Sesame Place bowl. They didn’t seem to mind as much as Mama.


Mama has been talking to Austen about her (first) cousins, especially while watching a video with Elmo’s country cousin Elmer. There’s been some progress. During a quiz yesterday, Mama asked, “What are your cousins’ names?”

“Emma!” replied Austen.


“Erin!” yelled Austen.


“Morgan!” cried Austen, after a pause.

Playing with Guss

Austen loves to play with Guss. She chases him, picks him up, hugs him, forces him to sit with her, rubs and hugs him. Guss is very accomodating.

Austen also tries to do the same with Squirt but soon realizes that Squirt is much more independent and weary of her although when in the right mood, Squirt is also cuddly.

Bee Movie

Austen went to see the Bee Movie (her 2nd movie) at the theater with Mama and Dada. The theatre was especially setup for kids and had small tables in front of each row of seats. We ordered some food to munch on while watching the bees buzzing around on the big screen; Austen mostly enjoyed the popcorn and although we didn’t last the entire movie, we made it further along than the previous movie outing (Ratatouille).