No! Wait! I also got it from my mom’s side of the family.”
Month: July 2006
4th of July … inside with the AC on
Austen played with Mia, Devan and Elexander.
In the relaxed atmosphere, Kimball took a nap.
Everyone else, including Mommy, Dadddy, Daljit, Sara, Ajay, Eileen and Chris played with the kids.
Mommy made crab cakes but the non-Marylanders weren’t too excited about these. 🙁 The spinach salad, watermelon, and hot dogs were a hit.Five New Teeth
Four new teeth are pushing through on the top and one on the bottom (to the left of her two center teeth).
In retrospect, Austen should have refrained from cranking out five teeth at once because this has caused her a lot of discomfort. She drools, fusses, has trouble sleeping, rubs at her gums and chews on everything and everyone.