Morning Activities

Early on a weekday morning, while Mama tries to squeeze in the last bit of sleep, and before everyone starts to get dressed, Austen, Gage and Dada often make a ruckus by these activities:

-Hoola-hoop contest
-Burst out into singing The Wiggles song ‘Hoop Dee Do’
-walking around in a circle, holding any object, while incessantly chanting “sword!” (but not hitting each other)
-dancing in Austen’s room to her Indian CD collection
-general running/chasing
-occasional wrestling or horsie rides

To quote an old Army campaign line, “we do more before 9am than most people do all day.”

Baby words

Almost gone are the days when Gage used his own lexicon:

“mo-more” is now just “more”
“Au’tie” is changing to “Austen”
“Bow” is almost “bottle” or “milk”
“Eh eh eh” has made way to “open”
“mi-mi” going to “gi-ma” (grandma)
“mama” to “mommy”

It’s enough to make me sad. 🙁 DON’T GROW UP, Jelly!!!

-(forever) “Dada”